Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Just stuff

The kids are in a play at church tonight called The Mouse's Tale." It's the story of Jesus's birth through the animal's eyes. Emily plays "old granny mouse." She has 1 of the 4 lead parts. She has become a nervous wreck over the last 2 days. I prayed and prayed last night that God would easy her nerves. I'm afraid she's going to make herself sick.

J.R.'s choir sings before the play starts. He's not nervous. LOL Poor kid, he's the only boy in the 5 yr old choir. I don't think he's noticed, or it doesn't bother him being surrounded by all those little girls.

Tomorrow night, Emily is in a musical at school called Surfin' Santa. She doesn't have any lines, just singing and dancing. Then she has to do it again twice on Friday for the rest of the school.

Today is our Christmas party at work. Actually, it should be called "eat all day party." I have a plate of breakfast foods in front of me as I type. Then we have lunch and dessert later. We're also doing a white elephant swap (or "greedy santa" as my redneck inlaws call it, LOL.)

I've finished shopping for the kids!! Just have mom, dad, Tim and Chasity to finish up. Chasity is suppose to be here next weekend, so I need to get that finished.

1 comment:

Robin said...

Sounds like quite a week! I'm sure Emily and J.R. did beautifully last night. Any pictures to post of your two stars?