Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Sick Kids

When it rains it pours... Emily started with a cold over the weekend that went into asthma. I thought the dr was going to put her in the hospital yesterday - but I guess my "expert" experience kept her out. She was a bit better this morning when he checked her again. We go back to the dr on Friday morning.

JR caught Emily's cold and it turned into croup over night. So, both of them are on steriods and Emily is on breathing treatments.

I am exhausted!! I have to work today and tomorrow and then I'm off until January 2. I so need a break!

We were suppose to go to Pigeon Forge tomorrow night through Saturday to see Tim's family - but that is out. Hopefully, we'll still make it to Greenville next week since Tim has to work there.

Chasity came to visit last weekend and decided to stay a while. This was after we did our "Christmas" with her, so I went and got her a few small gifts to open Christmas morning. Not sure how long she'll be here.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Could we do NOTHING on Christmas???

I know that sounds horrible! But, my favorite day is not Christmas or Christmas Eve. It's the day after Christmas, when it's all over. Isn't that awful!!! And, it's not because of my kids, it because we are expected to cram so much into those 2 days. And now, we've added something else, that was to be a 1 time thing last year.

I do not enjoy Christmas because of this. I need to remember the "reason for the season" and stop this nonsense! I know that, but good grief - such stress.

Oh well, the day after Christmas, Tim has to go out-of-town to work for the rest of the week. The kids and I are going with him. The hotel has an indoor pool and jacuzzi. I plan to be plenty wrinkled when I get back home!!

Bring on December 26th!! Fast!!! Bah humbug!

Monday, December 11, 2006

Thursday, December 07, 2006

The kids with Santa

This wasn't a planned trip to see Santa, thus the not-so-dressy clothes. We just happened to be at the mall and Santa didn't have a long line.

The Play

Emily did really good in the play, last night. It was kind of hard to hear her with all of the crying babies and babbling grandmas, but I could tell she wasn't nervous. In fact, all of the kids did great! We have some real talent in our children's drama group.

J.R. was a ham during his group's singing. He is the only boy with 5 girls. They had motions to do with each song. He was the only one that did the motions, so it was really funny! Tim taped it and I'm really thinking of sending it to "Funny Videos!"

One more tonight with Emily's musical at school and then we can all breathe!

Pictures from last night

This is Emily as "Old Granny Mouse" and J.R. all dressed up. .

Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Just stuff

The kids are in a play at church tonight called The Mouse's Tale." It's the story of Jesus's birth through the animal's eyes. Emily plays "old granny mouse." She has 1 of the 4 lead parts. She has become a nervous wreck over the last 2 days. I prayed and prayed last night that God would easy her nerves. I'm afraid she's going to make herself sick.

J.R.'s choir sings before the play starts. He's not nervous. LOL Poor kid, he's the only boy in the 5 yr old choir. I don't think he's noticed, or it doesn't bother him being surrounded by all those little girls.

Tomorrow night, Emily is in a musical at school called Surfin' Santa. She doesn't have any lines, just singing and dancing. Then she has to do it again twice on Friday for the rest of the school.

Today is our Christmas party at work. Actually, it should be called "eat all day party." I have a plate of breakfast foods in front of me as I type. Then we have lunch and dessert later. We're also doing a white elephant swap (or "greedy santa" as my redneck inlaws call it, LOL.)

I've finished shopping for the kids!! Just have mom, dad, Tim and Chasity to finish up. Chasity is suppose to be here next weekend, so I need to get that finished.

Thursday, November 30, 2006

I'm not very good at this...

...I guess I'd rather read other blogs than write my own.

School is going great. J.R. had no trouble starting school. His best friend from daycare is in his class, so that helped. He loves to go to school.

Emily is doing well. All As the 1st nine weeks. She's hovering around the A/B mark right now but it's just interim so still time to pull it up. She is in drama at church and is one of the leads in next week's play. She is also in chorus at school and gymnastics.

J.R. is in children's choir and just finished soccer. He'll start back up in February.

We're just busy!

Monday, July 31, 2006

18 days and counting

School starts 18 days from today. I can't believe that J.R. is starting kindergarden. It seems like Emily just started. I clearly remember her plopping down in that little chair and her table on the first day of kindergarden - like she'd done it every day of her life. I barely got a wave out of her because she was so ready to explore her new class, friends, etc.

Will J.R. be the same way? I don't think so. I may have to peel him off of me - or the teacher may have to pry me from him. He is my baby, after all.

I hate loosening the apron strings on him. My heart aches because he is no longer a baby and I'm having a hard time accepting that.

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

Another school year ends

Today was Emily's last day of school. She has such mixed emotions about it ending this year. Her teachers have been nothing but fantanstic!! I want to recommend them both for sainthood! I wish they'd both move up to 5th grade. She's had a great year, all A honor roll the 1st 3 grading periods and A/B this last one (we kinda got tired at the end). She was 1 of 9 kids (out of 150) who got the Governor's Reading Award this year.

I gave her a necklace and matching earring set yesterday morning and told her how proud I am of her and all that she accomplised this year. She just stood there and cried. (She's got my emotions.) This year has flown by. And next year starts a new chapter for all of us with J.R. going to school with Emily. He can't wait - she's dreading it.

As she left this morning, I gave her a big hug and told her how proud we all are of her and that she's had a great year. I also told to her to enjoy the moment that she walks in the door to school today - it will be her last, alone, without her brother. She thanked me for reminding her.

My dearest first born - I hope you know how much I love you and how proud I am of you. I know I spend more 1 on 1 time with your brother but that doesn't mean I love you any less. I can trust you to take care of many things on your own - you've always been so independent, that is something mommy never really has been. I love you my sweet girl!

Tuesday, April 04, 2006

I am not a very good blogger!

I forget about this thing - probably because I post enough on mom's board.

Emily has made straight As all year! Only one 9 weeks left - doesn't look like she's going to make it. She had a 70 on a science grade. I'm thinking she'll still be on A/B honor roll. She's going to be disappointed but it's really ok. We're both burned out and ready for a break!!

J.R. starts k in the fall. I've already signed him up. The school does a kingergarden tea next month. Should be interesting. I don't expect him to bounce right in and wave "by" like Emily did. He's my clinging one. But that's ok, it won't last forever.

He is in tball this year. Emily decided not to play ball but she is still in tumbling. That trampoline sure has come in handy.

We're going to WV this weekend for my Aunt & Uncle's 60th wedding anniversary party. It's on our 12 anniversary. Oh, and Emily will be 10 the Sunday after that (Easter).

The last week of May were going to Orlando. We're not doing Disney - we're going to Universal for 5 days. There is a great online rate for $100/adult and kids are free!! So $200 for all of us a both parks for 5 days. We're staying at mom & dad's timeshare.

Tim's been home since Christmas. I think he goes out of town later this month.